When getting married, many people think that they will always feel an overwhelming love as they feel when entering the gates of marriage. Virtually, every marriage will through many different stages. Some couples may get more out of these stages compared to other couples, but in the end you will face all stages because you're moving toward something beautiful.
Of course, the last phase is the phase that not all couples ever experience it because they were not aware of these phases and chose to give up in the middle of the road.
The Beginning Phase of Marriage
This phase is one of the best because it felt great! This is the period in your life that your partner seems to be created just for you and you think that he was perfect; although in real life, he may just seemed perfect.
When you are in the early stages of this marriage, you will have more energy, you will feel great, you will have a very positive outlook, and you feel not enough words to describe how incredible your partner. This period is an exciting time in the marriage because you can not separate from it and you spend a lot of time to dream about your future together.
Cooling off phase
In this phase a lot of married couples may get divorce and have tensions in their household relationship. The early days of marriage in which all feeling an overwhelming love that began to decrease and this is because most of the chemicals in our brains begin to return to normal.
We feel so extraordinary in the first phase of the wedding and now we begin to wonder what had happened, whether we have been getting married to the right people, and why this person no longer makes us feel good. Many people who begin to wonder whether they should end the marriage instead of having to live like this.
In this period, many couples struggle power within relationships. Each person tries to walk according to his own, setting standards, and always feel right. In fact, many couples who struggle in which both parties feel is right and this is causing a lot of tension. The remarkable is in this stage will lead you to bigger things and better if you can survive.
Sharing and Changed Phase
If you successfully pass the second stage, you probably will reach the third stage and fourth. This is remarkable is when you are in this phase. You will realize that this relationship can be wonderful. You just have to bring the wonderful into your relationships.
People who realize this in advance will lead and help their partner to no longer too worried and frustrated and in line with the time you both start working together to ask for what you want, change behavior, and move forward to find happiness as husband and wife. Both these stages go along because this is the moment of discovery of the truth in your relationship and make it happen through action by changing what needs to be changed and do it to make it more remarkable.
The Time for True Love
If you reached this phase, you will feel as if all the struggle are not in vain. Every relationship reaches this stage at different times. For some couples they need time to 30 years, for other couples may only five or ten years.
The point is you do not have to be rush to reach this stage because everything has the process. When you reach this stage, you will have deep relationship that full of joy and passion and you will start having fun together again, maybe happier than before.